Monday, July 5, 2010

Lady Gaga worships Satan?!!!!

YES. She does!
That's what I believe.
Well, not only her. There are lots of artists who worships Satan too.
And what for?
For fame and wealth.

Isn't that stupid?
They trade their souls with the demon to let the demons control them for fame and wealth.
So if the demons are controlling you, how can you even enjoy you fame and wealth.

So basically,
the start of all these evil stuffs are brought up by Aleister Crowley, as known to be the wickedest man in the world.
He was the one who invented backmasking A.K.A. reversed music.
As you know, backmasking is a technique of creating and hearing alternative messages, when a track is played backwards and or forwards.

Aleister Crowley is an occultist, magician, and of course, a LUCIFERIAN.
And he had performed SIX human sacrifices in rituals over lifetime.

Instead of me copying all these craps,
I thought it would be better if you watch this yourself.

Believe it or not.
It IS true.

You might think that Lady Gaga's "Paparazzi" is the greatest song you've ever heard.
But seriously,
what is the TRUE message behind this song?

Nope, you did not hear that wrong.
It is true. She is evil. And so is the music industry in the U.S.
Well, not all of them are.
But MOST of them are. Get that?

Many songs of today are made to brainwash your mind and make you worship Satan.
So as that Satan could rise back to heaven and sort of replace God.

So why was Lucifer kicked out of heaven then? [Lucifer = Satan fyi]
Because of his pride. He wanted to become God as he thought that he is as powerful as god.
And that's why he was banned from heaven.

So anyway, those who worships Satan probably thinks that Satan had made no mistake and they think that God should probably forgive him.

These people are called the Illuminatis.
Most of them are at top levels in the Music Industry and that's why, they can control what people are listening to today.

Yes, some artists must have been scapegoats of the Illuminatis and they do not know what they are singing are actually backmasked.

So anyway.
Lady Gaga has a LOT of hidden messages and symbolism in her MV if you realise.
Here, take a few examples.


Even Chris Brown is Satanic!
Take a look at this!

And now people say that the US Government is/was Satanic.
And I believe they ARE so.
Watch this and you'll know why.

Look, Obama too!

HEAR THAT?!!!!!!!!!
That really freaked me out.

So what do you think of this Satanic stuffs?
Leave me a comment telling me your opinion :D

Bye :D


Nicole Wong said...

Hahaha, I heard that from my friend too and I stopped listening to lady gaga's songs :/ She is so so scary :S

Camelia, ♥ said...

Yer! It's so creepy! I also heard that she amputated her leg too :S

Anonymous said...

OMG, CAMELIA. How did you find out all this stuff? :X you don't worship him, do you? :X joking joking, anyway, just nice shineee's new album name is LUCIFER. Ohdear, :S

Camelia, ♥ said...

I search them online :D And I don't worship SATANNNN! LOL. Shinee's evil :O